Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Reflection

This is officially my first Wordless Wednesday and so far I have to say it's been great. There is nothing better than flipping through old photo's and thinking back to all the memories made during those times.

This is a photo of my husband and son on our trip to St. Lucia. It was a great trip that included many hours on the beach, playing in the sand, taking a trip to the emergency room and making great friends!



  1. I am officially your first Follower! I just start using GFC myself the past few weeks! There are a lot of blog hops to help out with getting followers if you want them :-) I am your newest facebook fan too.
    Aprils Lifestyle Show

  2. Looks beautiful and like a good time was had by all. Relaxing? Looks it though hard to tell with a toddler :-)

  3. Hi April - Thank you, I will have to check those out. :-)

  4. Hi Meryl - We really did have a wonderful time :-) For anyone thinking about going to St. Lucia though I would suggest going without young children. Thanks for the comment! :-)

  5. April - Thank you for the facebook follow. :-)
